See How Team SJB Manages All of HR in One Convenient Location
BerniePortal is a benefits administration and HR software for employers. BerniePortal features the following functions:
- Benefits: Provide employees “at-their-fingertips” access to a year-round portal
- On-boarding: Simplify on-boarding with online W-4s, W-9s, and custom forms
- Integrations: Integrate with leading insurance and payroll providers
- PTO Tracking: Tracking time off is a breeze with everything stored online
- 1094-C / 1095-C: Stay compliant with reporting and filing directly to the IRS
- Time & Attendance: Optimize time tracking and time off management
- iPhone App: Access important HR information from your iOS device
- Billing: Generate carrier bills directly from BerniePortal
A product many years in the making...
BerniePortal 1.0 launched in 2008, but the story really starts with our sister company, Bernard Health. Bernard Health has a healthcare benefits brokerage, and its team had seen first-hand the benefits and HR challenges employers face. Generally, the nature of these challenges fit in one of two categories: transactional or strategic. Healthcare benefits is nearly unique in that its challenges are both transactional and strategic.
Transactional challenges are best solved with software. Strategic challenges, however, are different. In strategic areas, software alone won’t get you the optimal result. This is where an experienced advisor can provide a ton of value.
BerniePortal was created with this insight in mind. The aim: to allow employer to solve transactional HR and benefits challenges with software, and strategic healthcare benefits challenges armed with the expertise of an advisor. This approach gives the employer the best of both worlds, yielding the most optimal outcome for the organization and its employees.